Portrait by Stevie Ochwat
Natasía Gascón is an award-winning journalist, documentary filmmaker and arts administrator based in Los Angeles.
With parallel careers in non-scripted entertainment and arts administration, Gascón has over 15 years of experience in video journalism covering current events and hyper-local, community- centric stories, and almost a decade’s worth of experience in managing the front line operations of various cultural institutions, ranging from small non-profits to large private foundations.
Raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, Gascón began her video journalism career in the prestigious MeneMAC Media program of Moanalua High School, and briefly became a community producer for ‘Olelo Community Media.
Gascón arrived in Los Angeles in 2008 to attend the Art Institute of California – Los Angeles where she received a scholarship through the James Alan Cox Foundation for student journalists. After her internship with the Syfy Channel, Gascón took a break from film school and returned to journalism, where she wrote community beats for Culver City and Blue Pacific News. She was accepted to the esteemed Getty Multicultural Undergraduate Internship Program and the Los Angeles County Arts Internship Program as a videographer, where she began her parallel career in the Los Angeles Arts and Culture scene. 
Gascón returned to film school and graduated with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Digital Filmmaking and Video Production in 2013. Along with her degree, Gascón has pursued other educational and career advancement opportunities with certificates, accolades and awards from The Telly Awards, General Assembly, Arts for LA, Emerging Arts Leaders of Los Angeles, and the Visitor Services Group.
She currently brings her two career paths together as the arts and culture beat TV Reporter for the City of El Segundo, seamlessly translating her knowledge of the arts into engaging video beats for local residents. On the weekends, she also manages the front of house operations for Highways Performing Arts Space and Gallery in Santa Monica.
In her spare time, Gascón enjoys exploring her neighborhood, gardening, visiting beaches, fine dining, learning traditional Filipino martial arts and native Hawaiian dance, and supporting fellow Asian and Pacific Island artist. She also frantically attends as many gallery shows, film festivals and performances she can squeeze into her schedule.

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